Auto repair shop management & information
Make More Money With Better Shop Management & Auto Repair Information
Identifix is a trusted brand that offers solutions that empower auto repair shops to become more profitable.
Direct-Hit® Pro Auto Repair Information is a trusted source of thousands of auto repair shops. Every day, automotive technicians rely on one of the largest and most reliable auto repair databases to accurately diagnose difficult issues and repair vehicles faster the first time.
Identifix Shop Manager is designed to empower auto repair shops to be able to quickly generate repair orders, manage jobs and review inventory, helping them run more efficiently and profitably.
Featured Solution
Identifix Shop Manager
Better technology creates better customer experiences
Boost your customer’s satisfaction by improving how they interact with your business. Identifix Shop Manager software provides auto repair shops with a best-in-class auto shop management solution designed to improve your customer’s interactions with your shop. By using digital technologies, customers are easily able to get repair order information and payment options.
About us
Identifix, a Solera company, supplies a suite of products that help auto repair shops grow their business and become more profitable. For repairs, our flagship Direct-Hit® Pro Academy auto repair software offers over 3 million technician submitted and confirmed fixes, as well as a full library of helpful automotive training modules. We also provide technician-to-technician support from our live Direct-Help experts who offer 1-on-1 automotive repair and diagnostic assistance. For shop management, we offer our industry-lead Identifix Shop Manager platform. Identifix solutions are all designed to help auto repair shops grow and become more profitable.
Transactions daily across Solera globally
Miles tracked annually
Global customers
Petabytes of Data across Solera globally
“About 5 years ago, I started using Identifix Direct-Hit. It helped my techs cut to the chase and repair many weird problems correctly the first time. As technology advanced and computers started sharing functions in many different systems, finding the actual problem became easier and more profitable using Identifix. As a result of subscribing to Identifix, my bottom line has improved by as much as 20% each month, and customer satisfaction is at an all-time high. I recommend this service to anyone who wants to run a more profitable shop.”
Mike Schiller, Golden Nugget Automotive
Gardnerville, Nevada
“Having access to dealer information is key to our business, and the amount of information available in Identifix with OEM Direct is staggering. Using our other online resource can sometimes be cumbersome and tedious, but accessing diagnostic and repair information in Identifix’s Hotline Archives is incredible. I am a big believer that the person with the most information wins, and we look forward to our continued relationship with Identifix.”
David Dansereau, LAD’s Auto
Calgary, Alberta
“I would like to thank Identifix for adding the new OEM sections to the web site. Right away I noticed how much more information was available. The component locator was always nice but now way better with actual factory pics. The tear down and removal procedures are much needed as cars change and I can hardly keep up with them. Wiring diagrams are also nicer and more complete. I’m still finding new portions to the site that I haven’t used before. European information is always at a premium so I hope to see more from that too. Keep up the good work!”
Keith Noel, Noel Automotive
West Branch, Iowa
“To serve our valued customers properly we need to be equipped with accurate and up-to-date tools. Identifix is one of these tools. Not only is Identifix used by our Technicians on a daily basis, but by our whole team. The quality information that Identifix provides aids us in informing and educating our customers. Thank you, Identifix, for providing us with such a service.”
Josie Switzer, AutoTrust Service Corp.
Steptler, Alberta